My Dongsaeng. My Oppa. My Noona.

25 March 2010

a journey of friendship


Dear friends. It's been a long journey for us. From nobody now we become somebody. You've walked. You've ran. You've laughed. And you've cried with me. So now please walk along with me through my journey of life. Friends, my journey wouldn't be exciting without you. Without you guys in this chapter of my life, it's just nothing but you guys make it very special.

Without you guys pouring me with love

Without you guys being there for every joyful celebrations

Without you guys providing me with free tickets

Thank you. Thank you for every single things that you guys did for me.

Thank you for watching me in futsal competition, even we never win.

Thank you for accepting my unmatured habit

Thank you for appreciate my leadership

Thank you for bring me to the place that I've never go

Thank you for sharing a plate of food with me

Thank you for still be my friends even we met once in a 5 years

Thank you for letting me know that I have good qualities

Thank you for make me laugh with your own jokes

Thank you for bring me to the beach where there are only us at there

And thank you for join me at the beach even in a rain

Thank you for treat me the delicious food

Thank you for save me from being embarassed

Thank you for sharing your exam notes with me

Thank you for never let me do a stupid things alone

Thank you for preparing a dinner when I'm not feeling well

Thank you for break the rules moment

Thank you for lending me your pen in class

Thank you for put your trust on me to make a BBQ sauce

Thank you for telling me my haircut looked great

And also thank you for telling me my hairstyle looked bad

Thank you for make me realize about my future

Thank you for allowed me sharing the same bed with you

Thank you. Just thank you all for having me in your life. Thank you again.

Without you guys, my life would've been completely waste.



Anonymous said...

eh.. aku disitu.. hehehe

Anonymous said...

nape xde thank you for not being tired of posting comments? :p hik hik....

Apih El Nino said...

yakuza dalam kelas kan...

Apih El Nino said...

thank you for not being tired posting comments...

Anonymous said...


awk dpt award... sila amik cepat kat blog sy :)

Apih El Nino said...

saya dah ambik...
muchas gracias :)

Anonymous said...

awk ni blh d kategorikn penulis blog berjaye... hehe..

Anonymous said...

dalam bnyk2 gambar tu sy kenal sorang je..huhu

Apih El Nino said...

first anonymous...
tapi saya rasa tak pun...
sebab saya tulis blog utk suka2 je...

Apih El Nino said...

second anonymous...
awak kenal sape tu?
leh tau tak?

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stdy mane? mcm knl je tmpt tuh?

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